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发表于 2023-6-14 14:12:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2023年5月雅思口语题part3:描述一个你去过嘈杂的地方答案Describe a noisy place you have been to
Part 3
1.Do you think it is good for children to make noise?
It depends when and where! There are times and places where noise is acceptable and understandable, and say, for example, if children are out in a playground playing together and having fun, then it’s fine that there is noise, and we cannot expect otherwise. However, in a classroom where the teacher is trying to talk, or in a classical music concert or during some performance, then it’s not good that children are noisy and disturb the peace for other people. So, like most things in life, it’s all relative. It depends on the situation. And children should be educated to adapt their behaviour to different circumstances and respect those around them.
2.Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?
Well, in many ways I’ve already answered that question. I’d say that a key part of childhood education is getting children to be adaptable and flexible to different situations. Children need to learn rules, but they need to learn when and where those rules apply. Because in life different behaviour is acceptable in different situations. Nothing is absolute and applies to all situations, at least most things anyway. So, a key element of good parenting and good schooling, is getting children to learn to really understand the situations in which certain behviour is acceptable and unacceptable and being able to make those judgements themselves as they grow older.
3.Which do you think makes louder noise, cities or the countryside?
Cities are most definitely louder for the most part. Traffic and public transport are noisy. Also you’ve got a lot of people in cities and wherever there are lots of people, crowds of people, you get a lot of noise. People in my country are also quite loud and noisy to be honest – they don’t really keep their voices down in public much, so when there’s a lot of people in one place, whether it be a subway station or a crowded supermarket, then there is bound to be a lot of noise. So, yeah, I’d say that cities are definitely much noisier than country places.
4.What types of noise do you come across in daily life?
In daily life the main types of noise around where I live are traffic noises, cars, horns beeping, and the sound of the general babble of people and voices. It’s a busy area near where I live and work so you can never escape the noise. It’s a noisy place. Even at night you can hear the traffic on the roads, the beeping of horns and the sound of people shouting in the street.
5.How do people respond to noises in your country?
Most people get used to noise and even seem to be quite oblivious to it to be honest. Like I’ve mentioned before, I am less tolerant to noise than most people in my country. I find that the majority of people just get on with life and don’t seem so affected by the noise around them. I suppose it’s a sort of immunity or a lack of sensitivity or the amazing ability to block out the things they don’t want to hear. I wish I had this ability! It’s useful if you live in a bustling busy city, in a place which is quite noisy.

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