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发表于 2023-5-27 22:32:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2023年5月雅思口语题part3:描述你遇到想一起工作/学习的人答案Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with.
Part 3

1 How can we get good colleagues?
Well, it depends on the situation. Maybe you mean, how do we end up working alongside colleagues who are great to work with? If so, then often it’s a question of luck! I mean, unless we are the managers and we are responsible for hiring new people! The key to a good working environment is having a good manager who chooses good people that we have to work with. If I were the hiring manager, then I would make sure I conducted authentic and sincere interviews where I really get to know the recruits, and I would also focus on motivating them, not just using their skills, but really embracing them as part of the team. Team and company culture is key to everything, including getting good colleagues to work with and keeping the motivated.
2 Are good colleagues necessary at work?
Absolutely. I think that having peers to work with who we get along with can be the make or break of a good company or a good project team to be honest. I think people are the most important factor, from the management down to the team on the ground. So I believe the personality, dedication, attitude and the way that colleagues get along and are managed, is absolutely key to having an enjoyable and productive working environment.
3 What kinds of people are popular at work?
Usually, in most work places, the people who are popular tend to be the most confident and positive people. Not really the people who show off, but the people who exude a certain confidence and charisma, as well as those who are positive, motivating and encouraging of the other people that we work with.
4 Why should children be kind to their classmates?
Children should learn to be kind to all people they have to work with – in fact, they should, in an ideal world, be kind to almost everyone they interact with really. But, yeah, when it comes to classmates, children need to learn the basic skills of cooperation and collaboration. These are important life skills, and being kind and listening to others and respecting others is a big part of this. Especially as in the future when they start to work, they will have to cooperate with others and work in teams, most likely. So, why not start at school with classmates? Teachers need to foster these soft skills in schools, not just parents in the home.

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